
Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Death of Indie Culture Online

Last Tuesday, Jan. 20, my phone calendar alarmed to remind me of a web hosting renewal slated to expire on Jan. 29, 2009.

A couple of days after that I typed in the website's url on the web browser and discovered a very disturbing update. had been hacked and forged (see screenshot).

I do recall there was a notification about this in my inbox many months back and at that time I did went to check the cp account. There was an "illegal entry" in the system but the technical support of ICDSoft said that it was fixed. As to when, I have no clue. As to who did it, same. As to why... isn't it obvious?

Is it really worth figuring out?

The website that I conceptualized in 2000 is gone. The business that earned me an award from the British Council of the Philippines as a YME (Young Music Entrepreneur) Awardee in 2005 is lost. IndieCultureOnline, my brainchild - turned to cyber dust.

Meanwhile, I can't help but feel disappointed and frustrated.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you forgot to renew your domain name.

Your domain is registered with

Enom automatically snatch your domain on the day of expiration.

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